
Eyes on the stars; feet on the ground: the value of how we present ourselves

Posted: Friday, 24 May 2019 @ 16:19

The success of any business hinges on a careful combination of short and long term strategies. In the short term there are the immediate wins required to finance the day-to-day running of an organisation. In the longer term one looks to the marketing that will ensure a pipeline of work.  The tricky thing is the balancing act between maintaining the former while investing in the latter, but either way anyone who has experience in business and marketing will know that how we present ourselves is vital to both.

The principle of good presentation applies for individuals as well as organisations. Economic studies reported on Forbes, for example, equated personal grooming to the level of income an individual makes.

Meanwhile, we have all walked into the swanky offices of leading organisations to be wowed by the marble floors, the glass offices and the posh filter coffee. We don't necessarily buy into a service because we liked the caffeine fix, but the way the details are done reinforces the bigger message.

Of course, it's important to remember that presentation does necessarily mean having designer clothing or the most expensive piece of kit. It is more subtle than that, because it needs to reflect the values of an organisation.  Indeed it may be that having the most expensive version of everything is counterproductive to your message.

The role of artwork in the workplace

All businesses however benefit from showcasing a professional front, and that requires a certain amount of thought and attention to detail. That is perhaps why art has often played a central role in the design of office spaces, with either the value or style reflecting a certain attribute of the organisation itself.

In recent months we have worked with a number of businesses who have refreshed the design and feel of their offices. In particular, we have worked with London based photographer Barry Yager, whose photographs of the moon employ unique techniques and a precision approach to capture this moving entity from our own rotating planet.

From the telescopes used to take up to 1,000 images that are then distilled into the perfect, detailed shot, to the state of the art printer with the capacity to produce the final photos in sizes of up to 6ftx4ft without compromising the quality. The images are unique, take time to produce, and speak of a certain innovation when hung in all their impressive glory.

Long term strategy vs short term cash flow

It probably goes without saying that such pieces are not found at insignificant cost. This brings us back to our essential point.  That presentation is part of a long term business strategy rather than short term cash flow. While leaders may have one eye on the future, the day-to-day running of a business still has to remain intact.  

So while a company may be able to purchase such artwork outright, they may consider it more prudent to finance it another way. For that reason, Rivers Leasing has worked with a number of businesses to spread the cost of such purchases with lease and hire purchase agreements.

For businesses to grow it takes a certain amount of focus on the future. Or in the words of Theodore Roosevelt, "Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the groundĀ, which in the case of those purchasing Barry Yager's photographs, is particularly apt.


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